Hilda FAQ page

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Who is this Hilda person anyway?
Hilda is the fictional full-figured, playful, quirky 1950s pinup girl created by American artist, Duane Bryers. Hilda gained a following when she was featured in various magazines and calendars up until the 1970s-early 80s. Her popularity endures today and she has become a beloved icon among fans of vintage pinup art. When used for divination, the scenes match the familiar RWS tarot system surprisingly well!
Is this the same Hilda Tarot deck created by Celestial Esther?
Sadly, no. As far as I can tell, that deck has been out-of-print (OOP) for some time now, but fingers crossed it will come back soon! You would need to contact Esther directly for any available updates. I'm also aware of another tarot deck featuring Hilda images, but unfortunately, I cannot figure out who created it, or when, or where, or how to purchase it ~ because I would buy that one too if I could! HA! That brings us to the third variation called the World of Hilda Tarot curated and created by me, Reese Marren!
Are the cards in this deck the same as the other Hilda decks?
A genuine effort was made to avoid duplicating cards and/or artwork ~ however, there are limited Hilda images to work with, so yes, some overlap is inevitable. Ultimately, final selections were based on my own understanding of the RWS tarot system. Each card has undergone extensive editing, formating, color and line correction, etc, so comparable cards will be unique to this specific Hilda deck. Another noticeable distinction is the numbered Major Arcana.
Is there a guidebook and/or PDF included with this deck?
Nope. Since this deck closely follows the RWS tarot system, writing another "RWS" guidebook would be redundant and printing said guidebook would raise the price considerably. Detailed card meanings and reading instructions are widely and readily available online. I'm also happy to chat should you have any questions regarding my choice of images and/or cards....because, TAROT!
Will you be posting all of the card images here?
Please check out the full flip through World of Hilda Tarot ~ Deck Creator's Unboxing and First Look video on my YouTube channel HERE Yay! Creator's individual card images of complete decks are no longer posted on product listings due to piracy concerns.
Is this deck a limited edition or is it available only for a limited time?
Currently, there is no plan to retire the World of Hilda Tarot. It will continue to be restocked using the following formula: Interest + Demand = more Hilda! No interest + No demand = no more Hilda!
Where can I find out more information regarding wholesale, shipping destinations, tracking, etc?
Answers to these topics can be found on our general FAQs page.

Creator's notes regarding copyright status

This deck began as a fun, personal project and soon turned out SO much better (and cuter) than originally imagined, so I thought, hey, others may want to enjoy it as well! In an effort to avoid potential copyright infringement liability, extensive research was done regarding the use of images included in this deck before listing it for purchase in the shop. From what I can gather, and from my own knowledge of copyright statutes, Duane Bryers was retained as a commissioned artist and created the original Hilda images under the licensing of a now defunct publishing company. Naturally, many people may assume that copyright protection of any and all artwork created at any time on Earth belongs solely to the artist, however, many work-for-hire artists are paid a fee and transfer copyright ownership to the buyer - even though that artist may (or may not) be credited for the work.* After further research of said now defunct publishing company, I was unable to locate any viable contact information. A check of the US Copyright Office online database also failed to provide any solid evidence of an active copyright holder for these images. For the reasons stated herein, and/or until confirmed otherwise, I find that my use of these images for commercial purposes satisfies my own, personal moral and ethical obligations. Posting these notes to the deck listing reflect my sincere effort to be transparent while also acknowledging the steller artists whose art I use in all of my curated divination decks. I hope to provide confirmation to those with concerns about copyright abuse, that I strive to be a diligent and honest creator who neither supports nor endorses the taking advantage of someone else's artistic IP, especially to their detriment, for financial gain. The above information does not absolve the buyer of the responsibility to purchase mindfully and conduct their own due diligence, should they see fit. All items created by Reese Marren are done so with immense joy and love, but integrity most of all. Thanks to those throughout our tarot community that encourage accountability and help the effort to stop the rampant piracy, bullshit imposter social media accounts and poor business practices. It is a daunting and exhausting task but my hope is that we will continue to support authentic creativity and artistic expression no matter the challenges.


*Another example of this would be the original illustrations for the 1909 RWS tarot deck created by Pamela Colman Smith

Now, with all that said, please note the following:

World of Hilda Tarot deck Copyright © 2023 Reese Marren | all rights reserved

including revisions, design, concept, content and arrangement.

Reese Marren retains exclusive right of publication. Reproduction and distribution without written permission is strictly prohibited.